Add 10 Yellow Foods To Your Diet

Fruit and vegetables come in all different shapes, sizes and color.  I wanted to discover the good things that the yellow varieties had to offer. Some of them have similar health properties, while others are pretty unique.  Here are 10 yellow foods to add to your diet.

1. Yellow Peppers

Eating yellow peppers has been found to help build the body’s immune system and reduce the risk of developing cancer and diabetes.  Peppers are also a rich source of fibre, vitamin B6 and folic acid.  They are known to help reduce cholesterol and protect blood vessels from getting damaged.  Low in calories, they are ideal to include in the diet for people who are trying to lose weight.

2. Lemons

Lemons have many health and beauty benefits.  Being a citrus foot it can help fight against infection.  Eating lemons can lower blood pressure and increase good cholesterol (HDL).   Lemon juice, when added to warm water, and taken in the morning can give a glow to the skin, clear the digestive system and purify the liver.

3. Yellow Tomatoes

Normally we think tomatoes as being red, however yellow tomatoes are now becoming popular.  Although part of the same family, yellow tomatoes have their own unique properties.    Low in sodium and high in potassium, they can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by regulating and helping to lower blood pressure.

4. Bananas

Bananas are low in calories and sugar and high in carbohydrates.  Start your day by eating a banana,  it will give you energy and keep you fuller for longer. Many athletes eat bananas as they are rich in potassium ,which can help stop muscle cramps after exercise.  Bananas are also high in manganese, which helps build bones.

5. Corn

Low in fat, high in fibre and vitamins.  Corn helps problems with digestion, as it keeps food moving through the digestive track.  Corn is also a great source of folic acid, niacin and vitamin C.  Folic acid is particularly good for women who are thinking of getting pregnant, as it’s known to prevent birth defects.

6. Pineapple

Eating this fruit can calm inflammation in the body and greatly reduce the pain of arthritis. As this fruit also contains manganese, it can help to strengthen bones and connective tissues.  Full of flavor and delicious to eat,  this exotic fruit contains an enzyme named Bromelain, which according to research, may react on the growth of tumor cells.

7. Grapefruit

A traditional fruit drink to have at breakfast, it’s a great way to start the day.  It’s full of vitamin C, increases the metabolic rate and reduces insulin, helping you to feel content and complete. Having grapefruit helps the body to fight off many diseases such as malaria, urinary problems and fever, to name but a few.

8. Dandelion

Most people, when they see a dandelion, think of it as an unwanted weed.  However, believe it or believe it not, this humble flower has many health benefits. When eaten as part your daily diet, or taken as a drink, such as dandelion tea, it can prevent or cure liver diseases, or jaundice.  Dandelion also helps to reduce weight, clean your skin and lower your cholesterol.  It benefits the stomach too, as it reduces acid indigestion and gas build-up.

9. Butternut Squash

This fruit belongs to the pumpkin family.  Usually eaten in winter it is full of  poly-phenolic anti-oxidants and vitamins. Phenolic antioxidants help prevent free radical damage in the body, in-turn protecting the cells of the body. It is also known to reduce pain and inflammation caused by infection.

10. Honeydew Melon

Part of the Cantaloupe family, the Honeydew Melon is a delicious fruit that comes into season late summer early autumn.  As this fruit is full of vitamin A it’s great for the skin and eyesight. It can help reduce acne breakouts and minimize wrinkles.  Interestingly it also contains folic acid which helps re-growth of dead cells.  As it’s a natural source of folic acid it is also of particular benefit to pregnant women.
All of the above fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins, minerals and interesting enzymes, that can help keep you healthy. Everyone has their own unique reasons to eat well.  Whether you suffer from arthritis, high cholesterol, thinking of having a baby, or losing weight, hopefully you will be able to select which of the 10 yellow foods to add to your diet, that will work best for you.

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